NMSU Wildlife Museum

Welcome to the NMSU Wildlife Museum!
The NMSU Wildlife Museum is a vibrant resource that supports teaching, research, and service at New Mexico State University and within the local community in southern New Mexico. A key foundation of the museum is the preservation of the inherent educational and research value of the museum specimen holdings.
The NMSU Wildlife Museum has over 6,000 specimens representing major vertebrate groups with some extremely valuable specimens dating back to the early 1900s.
These specimens are a testament to the origin and historical distribution of wildlife in southern New Mexico and elsewhere in the American Southwest. Specimens are used by students, researchers, local resource agencies, and the public.
Contact Info
Jennifer K. Frey PhD, Curator
Department of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Ecology
PO Box 30003; MSC 4901
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003
Phone: 575-646-3395
Email: jfrey@nmsu.edu